Slim Diet's Unique Benefits
1. It is completely natural, safe, rapid and cost effective.
2. There are no ravenous hunger pains and a satisfying volume of food is consumed daily.
3. You can measure, by means of a simple test, whether you are burning fat or not.
4. You lose only fat, not lean body tissue (as in low calorie diets), thereby maintaining good muscle and skin tone.
5. Detoxification and cleansing of your body's system is automatic.
6. The plan offers great encouragement, as weight loss is more rapid than any other programme based on calorie or exercise principles.
7. Identification of your body's metabolic rate (critical carbohydrate level).
8. A very effective support system.
9. Establishes the basis and knowledge to maintain weight control forever.
10. More energy with no dieting blues or side effects.
Over 14.5kg lost in one month using Ultra Diet
I was pampered (food wise) when I was young. This led me to gain unwanted weight. I spent a lot of money and effort to slim down, attending health clinics but it was all in vain.
I started with Ultra Diet, Fibre, RDAs, CoQ10 and Gymnema. Within ten days I couldn’t believe what I saw on the scales, I had lost 4.5kg (10lbs). I lost a total of 14.96kg (33lbs) in one month.
When it came to being photographed, I always hid a part of my big self because I was so ashamed. The ‘after’ photo shows me today 33lbs less.
Ms Robelle N. Punzalan, Philippines
Bahayanya PMS
Sampai dengan 90 percent perempuan di usia melahirkan mengalami beberapa
tingkat premenstrual syndrome (PMS) dan para ahli memperkirakan 3-5 persen
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