40 kilos lighter in 7 months

"40 kilos lighter in 7 months "

In 7 months I have reduced from size 22+ to size 14, and yes the wedding dress fits again! My cholesterol has dropped to within the normal range (the doctor is now happy). All joint pain has disappeared, I sleep soundly knowing I am healthier and I no longer snore (so my kids tell me!).

The little things in life are so great again. Getting up from a lounge suite doesn’t take three attempts anymore. Cleaning is easier (still hate doing it though); I can fit easily behind the wheel of a car. Life is so much more enjoyable without having to drag an extra 40kg around.

I used to hate shopping for clothes, but even that is now fabulous. My daughter thinks it’s great as she usually benefits as well. I so cherish the times she lies on my bed while I try things on.

The Slim Diet II programme is so easy to follow. The food is what you eat everyday, it is very nutritional and there is plenty of it. Believe me you are never hungry. I eat real food, the same foods I used to eat, I just follow the programme.

Thank you Slim Diet II!


Slim Sehat

90 % orang gagal dalam program untuk menguruskan badan. Apakah anda termasuk salah satunya???

Katakan tidak !!!

Selesaikan masalah berat badan anda sehingga 2-4 Kg selama 7 Hari secara sehat, alami, aman (selamat) dan murah. Tidak perlu senaman, tidak perlu berlapar, mudah diikuti dan dalam masa yang singkat. Kulit tetap mengencang dan semakin cantik.

Segera dapatkan bentuk tubuh yang slim sehat hanya dengan produk slim sehat kami.

Berminat silakan kirim email : slimdiet_health2@yahoo.com


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