Ultra Diet 2TM

Ultra Diet 2TM

Weight management meal supplement
Key Features:

Integral component of the UD2 diet programme

Provides 40 grams protein per day – up to 66% of daily requirement30

Designed with ingredients to help stablise blood sugar levels, promote satiety in between regular meals and assist in maintaining muscle mass31 32

Helps to maintain healthy weight as part of a weight management programme that includes dietary changes and exercise.
Active Ingredients :

Comprehensive blend of isolated non GMO soy protein (75%), fibre and vitamins and minerals providing:

9 essential amino acids

11 Vitamins

12 Minerals

15 g (2 scoops) 4 times daily

Mix with 250ml of water – shake well to combine

6110 / 420g can
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30 - Daily requirement while on UD2 Weight Management Programme, minimum of 60g useable protein daily
31 - Astrup A ‘The Satiating Power of Protein – A Key to Obesity Prevention’, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005 July, 82(1):1-2
32 - Natural Standard The Authority on Integrative Medicine ‘Health and Wellness: Ketogenic Diet’, Accessed 17 Feb 2010, http://www.naturalstandard.com/naturalstandard/monographs/monoframeset.asp?monograph=/monographs/alternativemodalities/atkinsdiet.asp


Slim Sehat

90 % orang gagal dalam program untuk menguruskan badan. Apakah anda termasuk salah satunya???

Katakan tidak !!!

Selesaikan masalah berat badan anda sehingga 2-4 Kg selama 7 Hari secara sehat, alami, aman (selamat) dan murah. Tidak perlu senaman, tidak perlu berlapar, mudah diikuti dan dalam masa yang singkat. Kulit tetap mengencang dan semakin cantik.

Segera dapatkan bentuk tubuh yang slim sehat hanya dengan produk slim sehat kami.

Berminat silakan kirim email : slimdiet_health2@yahoo.com


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